SBR Mallard 4475 ROVENE
欢迎新老顾客来电咨询洽谈---(邓小姐;13728215822 QQ;1019023128)
Material Notes: | ROVENE® 4475 is a carboxylated styrene-butadiene emulsion that has a very firm hand with outstanding strength properties. This binder can accept high filler loads of calcium carbonate, clays, and alumina trihydrate and retain excellent tensile strength. ROVENE® 4475 is low VOC product targeted for the carpet industry. This product is crosslinkable with external crosslinking agents. Sodium polyacrylate thickeners are commonly used to obtain the required application viscosity. It also has good aging properties, water resistance, and adhesion to a wide variety of fibers. APPLICATIONS: ROVENE® 4475 is recommended for applications that require low VOC's in carpet and needle-punch backcoatings. Information provided by Mallard Creek Polymers |
Physical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Solids Content | 54 % | 54 % | |
Particle Size | 0.15 μm | 0.15 μm | |
pH | 8.5 | 8.5 | |
Brookfield Viscosity | 350 cP | 350 cP | #2/20 rpm |
Chemical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Styrene Content | 67 % | 67 % | |
Thermal Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Glass Transition Temp, Tg | 16.0 °C | 60.8 °F |
SBR Mallard 4475 ROVENE 已下型号敬请参考;
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4049 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 BarrierPro 4550 SBR 乳液
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4002 SBR 胶乳
SBR 野鸭溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4076 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4170 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 5048 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4457 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4019 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4487 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4180 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 ROVENE 4470 SBR 胶乳
SBR 凫溪的聚合物 BarrierPro 4545 SBR 乳液
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SBR是产量最大的通用合成橡胶,有乳聚丁苯橡胶 、溶聚丁苯橡胶。丁苯橡胶是浅黄褐色弹性固体,密度随苯乙烯含量的增加而变大,耐油性差,但介电性能较好;橡胶抗拉强度只有20-35千克力/平方厘米,加入炭黑补强后,抗拉强度可达250-280千克力/平方厘米;其黏合性﹑弹性和形变发热量均不如天然橡胶,但耐磨性﹑耐自然老化性﹑耐水性﹑气密性等却优于天然橡胶,因此是一种综合性能较好的橡胶。丁苯橡胶是橡胶工业的骨干产品,它是合成橡胶第一大品种,综合性能良好,价格低,在多数场合可代替天然橡胶使用,主要用于轮胎工业,汽车部件、胶管、胶带、胶鞋、电线电缆以及其它橡胶制品。
SBR Mallard 4475 ROVENE 价格优惠,质量保证。
SBR Mallard 4475 ROVENE 材料产地证明 SGS,MSDS.UL黄卡
SBR Mallard 4475 ROVENE 东莞市艾博(国际)塑胶进口出口有限公司现货供应 SBR 系列产品可随货提供原材料物性,原材料产地证明SGS.MSDS.UL黄卡等相关详细资料,可开具17%增值税发票.公司秉着“以诚为本,以信为用”的经营理念。与客户是建立在互惠、互利、互信的基础上长期合作。共创双赢局面,愿与各界人士真诚合作,共同发展,携手共创辉煌的明天.
手机:13728215822 邓小姐
祝:新老顾客生意兴隆 财源滚滚