PEI 普立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000
Material Notes: | The Edgetek® Engineering Thermoplastic Compounds portfolio covers a broad range of standard and custom-formulated high performance materials. This portfolio includes high-temperature materials for elevated service temperature environments, high-modulus / structural materials for load-bearing and high-strength applications and flame-retardant products. These compounds are based on select engineering thermoplastic resins that are compounded with reinforcing additives such as carbon fiber, glass fiber and glass beads. Information provided by PolyOne |
Physical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Specific Gravity | 1.49 g/cc | 1.49 g/cc | ASTM D792 |
Water Absorption | 0.18 % |
0.18 % |
24 ASTM D570 |
Linear Mold Shrinkage, Flow | 0.0020 - 0.0030 cm/cm | 0.0020 - 0.0030 in/in | ASTM D955 |
Mechanical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Tensile Strength, Yield | 172 MPa | 24900 psi | Type I, 5.1 mm/min; ASTM D638 |
Elongation at Break | 4.0 - 5.0 % | 4.0 - 5.0 % | Type I, 5.1 mm/min; ASTM D638 |
Tensile Modulus | 8.96 GPa | 1300 ksi | Type I, 5.1 mm/min; ASTM D638 |
Flexural Strength | 221 MPa | 32100 psi | ASTM D790 |
Flexural Modulus | 8.96 GPa | 1300 ksi | ASTM D790 |
PEI (聚醚酰亚胺)概述:
PEI树脂天然耐燃,且烟气排放量低。某些牌号在厚度为0.25mm时,具有UL94 V-0﹡额定值,其它牌号在极广的温度和频率范围内,显示出高得多介电常数和损耗因素。
在电讯器材市场,对于耐高温的产品,尤其是对光纤市场中的高端连接器,需求不断增长。聚醚酰亚胺树脂具有适合薄壁设计的耐高温和高流动性的特点,能够替代汽车部件中的铝和热固性塑料,以及水泵中的铜做的压力部件,wall-hung boilers and domestic taps.
PEI 普立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000 部分型号敬请参考;
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000 Polyether
PEI 暜立万 Stat-Tech PI-05CF/000R Black Polyether
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000R BLACK Polyether
PEI 暜立万 LubriOne CTX-502 Natural Polyether
PEI 暜立万 Stat-Tech PI-05CF/000 EM Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Lubri-Tech PI-000/15T Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-10CF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Lubri-Tech PI-10CF/15T Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-10GF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-20CF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-20GF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-1000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-20GM/000 L Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-20GM-20CF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-30CF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Lubri-Tech PI-30CF/15T Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Stat-Tech PI-30GF/15SS Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Lubri-Tech PI-30GF/15T Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-40CF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Edgetek PI-40GF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Therma-Tech PI-5000 TC Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Stat-Tech PI-05CF/000 Polyetherimide
PEI 暜立万 Stat-Tech PI-10SS/000 Polyetherimide
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欢迎新老顾客来电咨询 洽谈—(邓小姐;13728215822)(QQ;1019023128)
我司专业供应以下工程塑胶原料 可随货提供各种报告
PEI 普立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000 价格优惠,质量保证。
PEI 普立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000 材料产地证明 SGS,MSDS.UL黄卡
PEI 普立万 Edgetek PI-30GF/000 东莞市艾博(国际)塑胶进口出口有限公司现货供应 PEI 系列产品可随货提供原材料物性,原材料产地证明SGS.MSDS.UL黄卡等相关详细资料,可开具17%增值税发票.公司秉着“以诚为本,以信为用”的经营理念。与客户是建立在互惠、互利、互信的基础上长期合作。共创双赢局面,愿与各界人士真诚合作,共同发展,携手共创辉煌的明天.
手机:13728215822 邓小姐
祝:新老顾客生意兴隆 财源滚滚