北欧 TPO Daplen EE168AI
我司专业供应以下工程塑胶原料 可随货提供各种报告
北欧 TPO Daplen EE168AI 物性
Material Notes: | Daplen™ EE168AI is a 10% mineral filled polypropylene compound intended for injection molding. This material has an excellent balance between impact strength and stiffness and is easy to process. Applications: Daplen™ EE168AI has been developed especially for the car industry to be used in automotive interior parts including dashboards, pillar trims, door panels and pockets, and automotive interior applications. Information provided by Borealis AG |
Physical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Density | 0.990 g/cc | 0.0358 lb/in3 | ISO 1183 |
Linear Mold Shrinkage | 0.011 cm/cm | 0.011 in/in | Borealis Method |
Melt Flow | 14 g/10 min @Load 2.16 kg, Temperature 230 °C |
14 g/10 min @Load 4.76 lb, Temperature 446 °F |
ISO 1133 |
Mechanical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Tensile Strength, Yield | 20.0 MPa | 2900 psi | 50mm/min; ISO 527-2 |
Elongation at Yield | 4.0 % | 4.0 % | 50mm/min; ISO 527-2 |
Tensile Modulus | 1.70 GPa | 247 ksi | 1mm/min; ISO 527-2 |
Flexural Strength | 30.0 MPa | 4350 psi | ISO 178 |
北欧 TPO Daplen EE168AI 以下型号敬请参考;
北欧化工 Daplen AK4504 TPO
北欧化工 Daplen ED135AI TPO
北欧化工 Daplen ED206HP TPO
北欧化工 Daplen ED213AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE015U TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE040AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE103AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE109AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE115AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE115T TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE137AI TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EE260AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EF040AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EG102AI TPO
北欧化工 Daplen EG203AE TPO
北欧化工 Daplen FS65T20 TPO
北欧化工 Daplen HJ060UB TPO
北欧化工 Daplen KB4436 TPO
北欧化工 Daplen KSR4525 TPO
北欧化工 Daplen KSR65T20 TPO
北欧化工 Daplen KSX65T20 TPO
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PC Mitsubishi Xantar C CM 506 U Polycarbonate/ABS Blend
北欧 TPO Daplen EE168AI 价格优惠,质量保证。
北欧 TPO Daplen EE168AI 材料产地证明 SGS,MSDS.UL黄卡
北欧 TPO Daplen EE168AI 东莞市艾博(国际)塑胶进口出口有限公司现货供应 TPO 系列产品可随货提供原材料物性,原材料产地证明SGS.MSDS.UL黄卡等相关详细资料,可开具17%增值税发票.公司秉着“以诚为本,以信为用”的经营理念。与客户是建立在互惠、互利、互信的基础上长期合作。共创双赢局面,愿与各界人士真诚合作,共同发展,携手共创辉煌的明天.
祝:新老顾客生意兴隆 财源滚滚