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TPE韩国LG SG5200 SG5300 .注塑级 阻燃级 防火V0 耐高温 高刚性 抗化学性

¥ 45

  • ≥ 25 起订量
  • 10000公斤 总供应
  • 广东 东莞 所在地

韩国LG Keyflex系列TPE型号特点简介

热塑性弹性体TPR,TPE(Thermoplastic Elastomer)是一种具有橡胶的高弹性,高强度,高回弹性,又具有可注塑加工的特征的材料。具有环保无毒安全,硬度范围广,有优良的着色性,触感柔软,耐候性,抗疲劳性和耐温性,加工性能优越,无须硫化,可以循环使用降低成本,既可以二次注塑成型,与PP、PE、PC、PS、ABS等基体材料包覆粘合,也可以单独成型。

韩国LG Keyflex系列TPE 同系列通用型号介绍

Keyflex BT 1028D Automotive Interior Parts; Flexible Grips General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1030D Automotive Interior Parts; Flexible Grips General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1033D Automotive Interior Parts; Flexible Grips General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1035D Automotive Interior Parts; Flexible Grips General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1045D Sporting Goods General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1047D Outdoor Applications; Sporting Goods General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1055D Automotive Applications; Sporting Goods General Purpose; Medium Rigidity

Keyflex BT 1063D Handles; Sporting Goods General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1068D Sporting Goods General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1072D Automotive Applications; Sporting Goods General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1140D Cable Jacketing; Hose; Tubing; Wire Cable Applications General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1155D Cable Jacketing; Hose; Tubing; Wire Cable Applications General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1163D Cable Jacketing; Hose; Tubing; Wire Cable Applications General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1172D Cable Jacketing; Hose; Tubing; Wire Cable Applications General Purpose

Keyflex BT 1245D Automotive Applications; Fasteners

Keyflex BT 2140D Film; Sheet

Keyflex BT 3028D Automotive Interior Parts; Flexible Grips Good Moldability

Keyflex BT 3038D Automotive Interior Parts; Flexible Grips Fast Molding Cycle

Keyflex BT 3047D Sporting Goods Fast Molding Cycle

Keyflex BT 3055D Sporting Goods Fast Molding Cycle

Keyflex BT 5035D Automotive Applications; Fasteners

Keyflex BT GN7142F Flame Retardant; Halogen Free

Keyflex BT GN7155F Flame Retardant; Halogen Free

Keyflex BT HB9242D Automotive Applications Alkali Resistant

Keyflex BT HB9255D Hose; Tubing

Keyflex BT S5035 Automotive Applications

Keyflex TO 1065A Automotive Interior Parts General Purpose; Soft

Keyflex TO 1075AR Automotive Interior Parts General Purpose; Soft

Keyflex TO 1088AV Automotive Interior Parts General Purpose; Soft

Keyflex TO 1192A Automotive Interior Parts General Purpose; Soft

我公司专业经营韩国LG Keyflex系列TPE,货源稳定、现货库存、质量保证,原厂原包,假一赔十。可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COC、PDF物性表等各项数据,欢迎来电洽谈!

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