PP 台湾台塑PP 3015 特性 耐低温;高抗冲;高刚性
应用领域 塑料桶;健身器材;塑料箱;容器 pp3015物性收缩率
台塑5250t pp3015价格
3015价格 台塑塑料报价
台塑3204 台塑PP
台塑 1120 塑料3015
聚烯烃公司(新加坡)私人有限公司TPC,聚烯烃公司(新加坡)私人有限公司是东南亚第一家主要的聚烯烃制造商,自 19
84 年 2 月开始运营。1997 年的工厂扩建以及随后在 2006 年进行的重大改造以提高产能,使 TPC 成为该地区最大
和最成功的聚烯烃生产商。战略位置、对质量的重视以及能够根据严格的客户要求进行交付的结合确保了 TPC 在该行业中始终
处于领先地位。这些主要优势体现在我们应对区域对数量和质量的需求的能力上。TPC 致力于在产品和服务方面保持高

The Polyolefin Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd
TPC, The Polyolefin Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd is the first major polyolefin manufacturer in Southeast Asia and has been in operations since February 1984. A plant expansion in 1997 and subsequent major modification to increase capacity in 2006 has enabled TPC to become one of the largest and most successful polyolefin producers in the region.
A combination of strategic location, emphasis on quality and being able to deliver based on stringent customer requirements have ensured that TPC remains on the forefront in this industry.
These major strengths have reflected in our ability to cope with regional demands for both quantity and quality.
TPC is committed to maintaining high standards with regards to products and services so as to grow with our customers. All aspects of our business are structured to meet t