实拍细节图片 |
产品介绍 | |
PSI普施AQUAMEND水中修补胶棒 AQUAMEND水中修补胶棒是一种综合粘附性优异的粘接剂,对多种材料都有很好的粘接性,并可以在被修补表面潮湿甚至在水中进行修补,可用来修补和粘接密封玻璃钢汽车车身、冷却塔、玻璃钢船体及其他材料的容器、管道、设备上的接缝、空洞、裂缝、切口、刮痕;可修补蓄电池外壳、绝缘端子,进行电器封固,粘接PVC塑料等。这种修补剂在淡水和海水中均不溶解,不收缩,修补时不滴落、不流淌,固化后可进行各种加工,使用方便。与其他几种PSI胶棒比较,水中修补剂固化较慢(20~30分钟),因此允许较长的操作时间,综合性能比较强。 AquaMendEpoxy Putty Stick is a hand-kneadable, fast-setting, fiberglass-reinforced polymer compound for permanent repairs to many surfaces including fiberglass, concrete, glass, ceramics, metals, wood, and many plastics. This underwater repair epoxy putty comes in a handy "Tootsie-roll?" form with the curing agent encapsulated in the contrasting color base material. How to use:Before applying, roughen and clean area to be repaired. Then follow these easy steps. AquaMend has a 20 to 30 minute worklife. Functional cure occurs in 60 minutes. Cured color is off-white. If color is critical, test before applying. AquaMend can be sanded and painted to match any surface color. AquaMend is not intended for structural applications. Benefits: |
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Can be applied underwater. |
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Putty-like consistency eliminates drips and runs for a "no mess" application. |
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No tools required for use. |
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One hour after application can be drilled, sawed, sanded, filed, tapped, machined, and painted. |
主要技术参数: | ||
名称 |
指 标 |
测试标准 |
可操作时间 |
20-30分钟 |
耐温极限 |
121℃(可连续工作)149℃(可间歇工作) |
24小时固化硬度 |
肖氏65-75D |
ASTM D2240 |
粘接拉伸强度 |
5.5-6.9MPa(56.1-70.38kg/cm2 ) |
ASTM D1002 |
抗压强度 |
69-97MPa(730.8-989.4kg/cm2 ) |
ASTM D695 |
耐化性能 |
耐油脂、酒精、酮、烃及酸、碱、盐溶液、 |
收缩率 |
小于1% |
ASTM D2566 |
表面电阻 |
30,000MΩ |
ASTM D257 |
绝缘强度 |
11.8kV/mm |
ASTM D149 |
不挥发物含量 |
100% |
存放期 |
使用期12个月,2—3年仍可继续使用 |
包装规格 |
4盎司(114克)/支 12支/盒 |
使用方法: |
使用前,须将要修补处周围的浮锈、尘土油渍等浮着物清理干净。取出塑料管中的胶体,切下所需用量,将胶体内芯与外皮两种不同颜色的材料用手充分揉合成一色(约1~2分钟)直到均匀为止。将其用力压实粘牢到修补处并尽量挤压到孔洞和裂缝之中。混合后的粘合剂会很快反应,3~5分钟后胶体开始微微发热固化,10-20分钟后既可非常坚硬。其固化前胶泥状的形态使其使用时不滴落、不流淌,使用非常方便。冬天寒冷地区使用,应将胶体和待修补表面适当加热至室温或稍高于室温。 |
关于美国PSi 普施公司 |
特殊的双组份同芯的胶泥状形态,可直接用手揉和使用,使用时不滴落、不流淌,操作就象玩橡皮泥一样简单,固化仅需吃个苹果的时间,固化后的胶体可切削、可打磨、可喷漆,余下部分可长期保存,常备一支,需要时,会给您提供想不到的方便。多个品种可供选择,以保证胶体与您要粘接的物体具有相同或相近的比重、密度、膨胀系数和好的亲合力,确保粘接可靠。 其品种包括:速成钢( FASTSTEEL )、快补胶棒( REPAIRITQUIK )、水中修补胶棒( AUQAMEND )、速成铜( QUIKCOPPER )、速成铝( QUIKALUMINUM )、速成塑料( QUIKPLASTIK )速成木( QUIKWOOD )、速成混凝土( INSTACRETE )、耐高温修补胶棒( QUIK TITANIUM )等。 Polymeric Systems is a leading manufacturer of specialtyadhesivesandsealantsfor the commercial construction industry, industrial/OEM applications and the DIY market. Our unique, innovative,environmentally friendly productshelp customers in over 45 countries to seal, repair, rebuild and restore almost everything! We are also a manufacturer"s manufacturer: we cantoll manufactureyour product or increase your product line bycustom-packaging our private-label products. High-shear mixing of highly viscous materials is one of our specialties. |
联系我们 |
济宁博信达经贸有限公司 地址:山东省济宁市济安桥北路经典商务公寓405室 电话:0537-3166278 3161079 手机:15318184183 传真:0537-2220076 QQ: 1850991881 网址:www.bsenta.com 邮箱:1469694047@qq.com |