标题:艾默生PLC IC695ALG704 西安批发 |艾默生PLC西安厂家|艾默生PLC西安代理|深圳市国华电气有限公司
Minimum RX3i
CPU Version
Analog Input Module, 16 Channel Non-Isolated / 8 Channel
Differential with HART Communications
IC695ALG626 3.50
Analog Input Module, 8 Channel Non-Isolated / 4 Channel
Differential with HART Communications
IC695ALG628 3.50
Analog Output Modules
Output Analog 2pt Voltage IC694ALG390 All
Output Analog 2pt Current IC694ALG391 All
Output Analog Current/Voltage 8pt IC694ALG392 All
Output Analog Current/Voltage 4 Channels IC695ALG704 3.0
Output Analog Current/Voltage 8 Channels IC695ALG708 3.0
Output Analog Current/Voltage 8 Channels with HART
IC695ALG728 3.5
Analog Output Current/Voltage 8 Channels, Isolated IC695ALG808 5.0
Analog Mixed I/O Modules
Analog Combination Current/Voltage 4in/2out IC694ALG442 All
Special Purpose Modules
Special I/O Processor IC694APU305 2.90
I/O Link Interface Module IC694BEM320 All
I/O Link Master Module IC694BEM321 All
Genius Bus Controller Module IC694BEM331 All
Serial Communications Module, 2 Ports IC695CMM002 3.83
Serial Communications Module, 4 Ports IC695CMM004 3.83
Memory Exchange Module IC695CMX128 5.50
DeviceNet Master Module IC694DNM200 3.50