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供应DuPon美国杜邦TPEE G3548L
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Dupont Hytrel特性和加工效率组合,帮助客户进行革新,开发出节省成本,改进性能,减轻重量或开拓商机的组件与产品,在多种应用中,例如汽车,电子电气应用。工业品和消费品,都表现出自身的价值,如汽车配件及系统,安全气囊,CVJ防尘罩,进风口导管,重型卡车和越野车装备的各种组件,驱动或皮带,能量控制组件,齿轮,软管和导管,泵横膈膜,密封圈,避震及噪音的连接器和扣件,电线与电缆套。消费品包括家用设备,鞋,家具,电动工具,运动用品等。
Hytrel热塑性聚酯弹性体,作为传感器外壳,以降低行人与轿车正面碰撞时受伤的风险。根据不同的型号,传感器的长度在1.1~1.4 m之间,安装在前保险杠和散热器之间。Hytrel具有良好的抗老化性能,并且能够在-40℃~85 ℃的温度范围内保持***的弹性,所以可以确保传感器在任何时候和任何情况下都能可靠运行。
Founded by DuPont at 1802, Huayun plastics is a scientific company dedicated to using science to create sustainable solutions for better, safer and healthier lives around the world.
DuPont operates in more than 70 countries and regions worldwide, offering a wide range of innovative products and services in agriculture, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation, and apparel. After more than 200 years of effort, Dupont has become a global high tech engineering product innovation. With the rapid development of China#39;s automobile industry, Dupont#39;s rich industry experience and extensive application of technology have shown a strong market advantage in the automobile industry, high Quality, high stability and high level system solutions make DuPont a global partner for many automakers.