食品级PC 1300-10韩国LG/高透明级
高透明瓶子。PC合金种类繁多,为了改进PC熔体粘度大(加工性)和制品易应力开裂等缺陷,PC与不同聚合物形成合金或共混物,提高材料性能。具体有PC/ABS合金,PC/ASA合金、PC/PBT合金、PC/PET合金、PC/PET/弹性体共混物、PC/MBS共混物、PC/PTFE合金、PC/PA合金等。利有两种材料性能优点,并降低成本,如PC/ABS合金中,PC主要贡献。较好的韧性和冲击强度,高强度、阻燃性,ABS则能改进可成型性,表观质量,降低密度。原料的干燥原料烘干:普通烘干箱温度110—130,时间2—4小时,机顶料斗烘干箱温度100—120,要求水分含量低于0.03%。判断水含量是否合格:看空注射的料条。 资助的研究倾向于发现有重大影响。易和其他物质发生化学作用在聚碳酸酯纤维不应使用氧化钠和其它碱性清洁剂否则导致泄出Bisphenol-A(C15H16O2),一种已知的内分泌干扰素(影响生殖系统)。特性:为非结晶性热塑性塑料,优质的耐热性能、良好的透明度和极高的耐冲击强度等物理机械性能。优点:1.具高强度及弹性系数、高冲击强度、使用温度范围广;2.高度透明性及自由染色性;3.H.D.T.高;4.耐。耐候性佳;6.电气特性优;7.无味无臭对人体无害符合卫生;8.成形收缩率低、尺寸安定性良好。合成工业上应用的聚碳酸酯主要由双酚A和光气来合成,其主链含有苯环和四取代的季碳原子,刚性和耐热性增加,Tm=265-27。 日本帝人部分牌号编辑注塑球泡:PCML-3206ZT日本帝人V-2(1.0),MVR:18注塑用,均匀透光,光线透过率82%(帝人测试法),国内测试法达到94%,PCML-5206ZLP日本帝人V-0(1.5),MVR:3.5注塑用。
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Because of the cost and other reasons, the PC plastic products of Huayun Plastics Company have to be made of modified materials, especially electrical products, and the fire-proof property must be increased, injection Molding Machine plasticizing system requirements are mixed well,
corrosion-resistant, conventional plasticizing screw difficult to do, in the purchase, must be explained in advance. Mold and gate design, common mold temperature is 80-100 °C, add glass fiber is 100-130 °C, small products can use needle gate, gate depth should be 70% of the thick part, other gates have ring and rectangular. The bigger the gate, the better, to reduce the plastic was excessive shear and cause defects. The depth of the vent hole should be less than 0.03-0.06 mm, the runner should be as short as possible and round, and the declination of demoulding should be about 30′-1. Melt temperature can be used to determine the air injection processing temperature. The processing temperature of General PC plastics is 270-320 °C, some modified or low molecular weight PC plastics raw materials are 230-270 °C.