免费提供物性PC 503R沙特创新防火加纤
供应PC德国拜耳2405 高流动
供应PC德国拜耳2407 高流动
供应PC德国拜耳2805 中粘度
供应PC德国拜耳6555 阻燃V0 中粘度
供应PC德国拜耳3208 特性:高分子量,挤塑成型,耐冲击,FDA认可,水触稳定性;
供应PC德国拜耳6485 6265 6555 6557 阻燃VO
供应PC德国拜耳2605 2865中低粘度,耐冲击
比重:1.18-1.20克/立方厘米 成型收缩率:0.5-0.8% 成型温度:230-320℃ 干燥条件:110-120℃ 8小时 可在 -60~120℃下长期使用。物料性能 冲击强度高,尺寸稳定性好,无色透明,着色性好,电绝缘性、耐腐蚀性、耐磨性好,但自润滑性差,有应力开裂倾向,高温易水解,与其它树脂相溶性差。 适于制作仪表小零件、绝缘透明件和耐冲击零件
1.无定形料,热稳定性好,成型温度范围宽,流动性差。吸湿小,但对水敏感,须经干燥处理。成型收缩率小,易发生熔融开裂和应力集中,故应严格控制成型条 件,塑件须经退火处理。
4.料温过低会造成缺料,塑件无光泽,料温过高易溢边,塑件起泡。模温低时收缩率小、伸长率小、抗冲击强度低,抗弯、抗压、抗张强度低。模温超过120度时 塑件冷却慢,易变形粘模
光盘级PC 韩国LG/1080-70 超高流动PC 流动率70 高透明PC
比重:1.18-1.20克/立方厘米 成型收缩率:0.5-0.8% 成型温度:230-320℃ 干燥条件:110-120℃ 8小时 可在 -60~120℃下长期使用。物料性能 冲击强度高,尺寸稳定性好,无色透明,着色性好,电绝缘性、耐腐蚀性、耐磨性好,但自润滑性差,有应力开裂倾向,高温易水解,与其它树脂相溶性差。 适于制作仪表小零件、绝缘透明件和耐冲击零件
Huayun Plastic Company 1. Amorphous material, good thermal stability, wide forming temperature range, poor fluidity. Hygroscopicity small, but sensitive to water, must be treated by drying. Molding shrinkage rate is small, prone to melt cracking and stress concentration,
it should be strictly controlled molding conditions, plastic parts must be annealed. 2. High melting temperature, high viscosity, more than 200g of plastic parts, suitable for the extension of heating nozzle. 3. Plastic fluidity is poor, mold pouring system to thick, short as the principle, should be set up cold well, gate should be large, mold should be heated. 4. Material temperature is too low will cause lack of material, plastic parts without luster, material temperature is too high easy overflow edge, plastic parts bubble. When the mold temperature is low, the shrinkage rate is small, the elongation rate is small, the impact strength is low, the bending, compression, tensile strength is low. Mold temperature more than 120 degrees, slow cooling plastic parts, easy deformation stick mold 5. Plastic Wall should not be too thick, should be uniform, to avoid sharp corners and gaps