SOLUMER 8613LEthylene Elastomer产品说明:Solumer 8613L is an ethylene-octene copolymer produced via Nexlene technology. Solumer 8613L has excellent flow characteristics that provides ease in processing and is highly effective as an impact modifier or as a component in injection.
Applications:- Impact modification
Industrial and consumer durable goods (injection)
Solumer 8613L 是一种通过 Nexlene 技术生产的乙烯-辛烯共聚物。Solumer 8613L 具有出色的流动特性,易于加工,并且作为抗冲改性剂或注射组分非常有效。应用: 冲击改性 工业和耐用消费品(注塑)
特性- Block Copolymer
- 高抗撞击性
- 共聚物
- 良好的加工性能
- 流动性高
- 辛烯共聚单体
用途- 工业应用
加工方法- 注射成型
物理性能 额定值单位制测试方法密度 / 比重0.863g/cm3ASTM D792 熔流率(熔体流动速率)(190°C/2.16 kg)13g/10 minASTM D1238 门尼粘度(ML 1+4, 121°C)3MUASTM D1646