美国首诺PA66 VYDYNE 21X1 产品说明:
Vydyne 21X1 is a general-purpose PA66 resin. Available in natural, it is designed principally for injection-molding applications with the added benefit of improved flow during the molding process. 21X1 offers the same well-balanced combination of engineering properties characterized by high strength; rigidity; good toughness; high melt point; good surface lubricity; abrasion resistance and resistance to many chemicals, machine and motor oils, solvents and gasoline.
Vydyne 21X1 resin permits production of molded parts with good initial color plus good property and color retention when using regrind. This resin is recognized by Underwriters Laboratories and conforms to the requirements of many industrial, federal, and military specifications for premium-quality, general-purpose PA66 resins.
Vydyne 21X1 is externally lubricated and intended for use in high-productivity applications. In many applications, the molding cycle can be reduced because parts may be removed from the cavity at higher temperatures. In difficult molds where parts have a tendency to stick in the cavity, Vydyne 21X1 can reduce or eliminate the need for mold release sprays. Critical molded part dimensions should be checked against specifications before implementing shorter molding cycles on a routine production basis.
美国首诺PA66 VYDYNE 21X1
物理性能 | 干燥 | 调节后的 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
密度 | 1.14 | -- | g/cm3 | ISO 1183 |
收缩率 | ISO 294-4 | |||
垂直流动方向 : 23°C, 2.00 mm | 2.0 | -- | % | ISO 294-4 |
流动方向 : 23°C, 2.00 mm | 2.0 | -- | % | ISO 294-4 |
吸水率 | ISO 62 | |||
23°C, 24 hr | 1.2 | -- | % | ISO 62 |
平衡, 23°C, 50% RH | 2.4 | -- | % | ISO 62 |
室外适用性 | f2 | -- | UL 746C |
机械性能 | 干燥 | 调节后的 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
拉伸模量(23°C) | 3300 | 1600 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应力 | ISO 527-2 | |||
屈服, 23°C | 88.0 | 55.0 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
断裂, 23°C | 60.0 | 45.0 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应变(屈服, 23°C) | 5.0 | 20 | % | ISO 527-2 |
标称拉伸断裂应变(23°C) | 20 | 50 | % | ISO 527-2 |
弯曲模量(23°C) | 3300 | 1050 | MPa | ISO 178 |
弯曲强度(23°C) | 105 | 30.0 | MPa | ISO 178 |
泊松比 | 0.40 | -- | ISO 527-2 |
美国首诺PA66 VYDYNE 21X1
PA66塑胶原料为半透明、白色或黑色结晶形聚合物,具有可塑性。密度1.15g/cm3。熔点252℃。脆化温度-30℃。热分解温度大于350℃。 连续耐热80-120℃,平衡吸水率2.5%。能耐酸、碱、大多数无机盐水溶液、卤代烷、烃类、酯类、酮类等腐蚀,但易容于苯酚、甲酸等极性溶剂。具有优良的耐磨性、自润滑性,机械强度较高。但吸水性较大,因而尺寸稳定性较差。
为了提高PA66的机械特性,经常加入各种各样的改性剂。玻璃就是最常见的添加剂,有时为了提高抗冲击性还加入合成橡胶,如EPDM和SBR等。PA66的粘性较低,因此流动性很好(但不如PA6)。这个性质可以用来加工很薄的元件。它的粘度对温度变化很敏感。PA66的收缩率在1%~2%之间,加入玻璃纤维添加剂可以将收缩率降低到0.2%~1% 。收缩率在流程方向和与流程方向相垂直方向上的相异是较大的。A66 Zytel 塑胶原料性能特点? PA66是PA系列中机械强度最高、应用最广的品种,因其结晶度高,故其刚性、耐热性都较高超声波可焊接低分子量经润滑可加工性良好良好的成型性能良好的电气性能流动性高耐化学性良好耐磨损性良好耐疲劳性能耐油性能耐油脂性能生产阶段快脱模性能良好等; 用途? 汽车领域的应用电气/电子应用领域家电部件连接器; PA66能耐酸、碱、大多数无机盐水溶液、卤代烷、烃类、酯类、酮类等腐蚀?但易溶于苯酚、甲酸等极性溶剂。具有优良的耐磨性、自润滑性?机械强度较高。但吸水性较大?因而标准稳定性较差。广泛用于制造机械、汽车、化学与电气设备的零件?如齿轮、滚子、滑轮、辊轴、泵体中叶轮、电扇叶片、高压密封围、阀座、垫片、衬套、各种把手、支撑架、电线包层等RoHS 合规性 外观?自然色 形状?颗粒料?性状?半透明或不透明乳白色结晶形聚合物?具有可塑性。