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uran SC KR2864C 简介:

Luran S KR2864C is a blend of ASA and PC offering high heat resistance, good impact strength and enhanced flowability..

Luran SC KR2864C 色号:

Luran S KR2864C NRShow
Luran S KR2864C BK89828Show
Luran S KR2864C SPLShow
Luran S KR2864C UV N
Luran SC KR2864C 物性表:

Properties of Luran S KR2864C

Property, Test ConditionStandardUnitValues
Rheological Properties
Melt Volume Rate 220 °C/10 kg ISO 1133 cm3/10 min 10
Melt Volume Rate, 260 °C/5 kg ISO 1133 cm3/10 min 25
Mechanical Properties
Izod Notched Impact Strength, 23 °C ISO 180/A kJ/m2 60
Izod Notched Impact Strength, -30 °C ISO 180/A kJ/m2 8
Charpy Notched Impact Strength, 23° C ISO 179 kJ/m2 55
Charpy Notched Impact Strength, -30° C ISO 179 kJ/m2 11
Tensile Stress at Yield, 23° C ISO 527 MPa 63
Tensile Strain at Yield, 23° C ISO 527 % 4.6
Tensile Modulus ISO 527 MPa 2600
Elongation at Break (MD)
% 50
Flexural Strength ISO 178 MPa 100
Hardness, Ball Indentation ISO 2039-1 MPa 110
Thermal Properties
Vicat Softening Temperature VST/B/50 (50°C/h, 50N) ISO 306 °C 120
Vicat Softening Temperature, VST/A/50 (50°C/h, 10N) ISO 306 °C 134
Heat Deflection Temperature A; (annealed, 1.8 MPa) ISO 75 °C 105
Heat Deflection Temperature B; (annealed, 0.45 MPa) ISO 75 °C 124
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion ISO 11359 10^(-6)/°C 70 - 90
Thermal Conductivity DIN 52612-1 W/(m K) 0.17
Electrical Properties
Dielectric Constant (100 Hz) IEC 60250 - 3.1
Dissipation Factor (100 Hz) IEC 60250 - 60
Dissipation Factor (1 MHz) IEC 60250 - 120
Volume Resistivity IEC 60093 Ohm*m 1E12
Surface Resistivity IEC 60093 Ohm 1e 013
Other Properties
Density ISO 1183 kg/m3 1150
Water Absorption, Saturated at 23°C ISO 62 % 0.6
Moisture Absorption, Equilibrium 23°C/50% RH ISO 62 % 0.18
Linear Mold Shrinkage ISO 294-4 % 0.5 - 0.9
Melt Temperature Range ISO 294 °C 260 - 300
Mold Temperature Range ISO 294 °C 80
Injection Velocity ISO 294 mm/s 200
Drying Temperature
°C 100 - 110
Drying Time
h 2 - 4

Luran SC KR2861/1C High heat resistance,High impact strength,高耐热,高抗冲击。

Luran SC KR2863C Highest heat resistance,High impact strength,超高耐热,高抗冲击。

Luran SC KR2864C High flow ability,High heat resistance,高耐热,流动性好。

Luran SC KR2866C Good heat resistance,Medium impact strength,耐热性好,中等抗冲击强度。

Luran SC KR2867CWU Highest flowability,V0 classification,防火V-0级,高流动。

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