DURACON? is a crystalline thermoplastic acetal copolymer. The primary raw material trioxane, a trimer of formaldehyde.
The thermoplastic adopts a copolymer structure in which polyoxymethylene (-C-O) and carbon-carbon (-C-C- bond) comonomer groups are incorporated into its main chain. Therefore the copolymer has superior chemical and thermal stability, compared with acetal homopolymer.
Acetal co-polymer is well-balanced in terms of mechanical, chemical and thermal properties, and its superior moldability allows it to be widely employed in various industrial fields.
Information provided by PolyPlastics.
Physical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Density | 1.30g/cc | 0.0470lb/in3 | ISO 1183 |
Mechanical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Tensile Strength, Ultimate | 33.0MPa | 4790psi | ISO 527-1, 2 |
Elongation at Break | 140 % | 140 % | ISO 527-1, 2 |
Tensile Modulus | 1.30GPa | 189ksi | ISO 527-1, 2 |
Flexural Strength | 38.0MPa | 5510psi | ISO 178 |
Flexural Modulus | 1.20GPa | 174ksi | ISO 178 |
炭黑一般是有各种有机烃类以不完全燃烧的方法或热分解的方法制成的,为不溶不熔的微球状粒子,其表面除孤对电子和芳 香环外,还有醌式羰基及酚式羟基等极性官能团。导电性炭黑的添加量一般为0.5%-20%,若炭黑的导电性较好,则POM的表面电阻率或体积电阻率均可降 低至1*10sup2;数量等级。但由于炭黑表面上级性官能团的作用,往往会造成POM热稳定性下降,进而造成物理力学性能的降低。为克服此缺 点,可采取导电性炭黑和亲水性高分子化合物(如PEG)并用的方法,以减少炭黑的使用量,也可以采用添加以甲醛捕捉剂为主的热稳定剂方法,改进体系热稳定性。
广泛用于制造各种滑动、转动机械零件,做各种齿轮、杠杆、滑轮、链轮,特别适宜做轴承,热水阀门、精密计量阀、输送机的链环和辊子、流量计、汽车内外部把手、曲柄等车窗转动机械,油泵轴承座和叶轮燃气开关阀、电子开关零件、紧固体、接线柱镜面罩、电风扇零件、加热板、仪表钮 ;录音录像带的轴承 ;各种管道和农业喷灌系统以及阀门、喷头、水龙头、洗浴盆零件;开关键盘、按钮、音像带卷轴;温控定时器;动力工具,庭园整理工具零件;另外可作为冲浪板、帆船及各种雪撬零件,手表微型齿轮、体育用设备的框架辅件和背包用各种环扣、紧固件、打火机、拉链、扣环;医疗器械中的心脏起博器;人造心脏瓣膜、顶椎、假肢等