Styron EMERGE系列PC/ABS型号以及详细说明;
注塑模工艺条件:干燥处理:加工前的干燥处理是必须的。湿度应小于0.04%,建议干燥条件为90~110C,2~4小时。熔化温度: 230~300C。模具温度:50~100C。注射压力:取决于塑件。注射速度:尽可能地高。
化学和物理特性: PC/ABS具有PC和ABS两者的综合特性。例如ABS的易加工特性和PC的优良机械特性和热稳定性。二者的比率将影响PC/ABS材料的热稳定性。PC/ABS这种混合材料还显示了优异的流动特性。收缩率在0.5%左右。
我公司长期经营Styron EMERGE系列PC/ABS,货源稳定,质量保证,原厂原包,假一罚十。可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COC、PDF物性表等各项数据,欢迎来电洽谈!
同时供应EMERGE 7100 7350 7500 7502 7530 7550 7570 7570EP 7580 7590 7600 7770 7800 7880ECO 9100CR等规格型号。
PC/ABS EMERGE 7100同系列通用型号介绍
EMERGE PC/ABS 7100 advanced resin exhibits a balance of properties between impact strength.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7350 advanced resin is a high flow and high toughness PC/ABS alloy.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7502 is a non-halogen ignition resistant 20% glass filled PC/ABS resin.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7530 advanced resin is a high flow, ignition-resistant PC/ABS.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7570 Advanced Resin is a high flow, ignition-resistant PC/ABS.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7580 is an ignition resistant PC/ABS blend that contains no chlorine or bromine additives.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7590 advanced resin is an ignition-resistant PC/ABS blend that contains no chlorine or bromine additives.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7600 is an ignition-resistant PC/ABS blend that contains no chlorine or bromine additives.
EMERGE PC/ABS 7800 Advanced Resin is an ignition-resistance PC/ABS blend that contains no chlorine or bromine additives.
我公司长期经营Styron EMERGE系列PC/ABS,货源稳定,现货库存、质量保证,原厂原包,假一赔十。可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COC、PDF物性表等各项数据,欢迎来电洽谈!