SABIC Cycolac系列ABS简介
丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物 英文名:Acrylonitrile butadiene Styrene copolymers,简称ABS。ABS是一种强度高、韧性好、易于加工成型的热塑型高分子材料结构。 ABS树脂是丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯、苯乙烯的三元共聚物。可以在-25℃~60℃的环境下表现正常,而且有很好的成型性,加工出的产品表面光洁,易于染色和电镀。而且可与多种树脂配混成共混物。现在主要用于合金,塑料,以及ABS牌号。
该产品具有高强度、低重量的特点。不透明的,外观呈浅象牙色、无毒、无味,兼有韧、硬、刚的特性,燃烧缓慢,火焰呈黄色,有黑烟,燃烧后塑料软化、烧焦,发出特殊的肉桂气味,但无熔融滴落现象。 是常用的一种工程塑料。比重:1.05克/立方厘米、成型收缩率:0.4-0.7%、成型温度:200-240℃ 、干燥条件:80-90℃/2小时。
ABS树脂是微黄色固体,有一定的韧性,密度约为1.04~1.06 g/cm3。它抗酸、碱、盐的腐蚀能力比较强,也可在一定程度上耐受有机溶剂溶解。
SABIC Cycolac系列
Cycolac BDT6500 AUTOMOTIVE. Low gloss, color concentratable for interior applications.
Cycolac MG29 Super high impact ABS. Good low temperature toughness.
Cycolac MG34LG Automotive: Low gloss ABS for unpainted interior applications.
Cycolac MG37CR High performance, injection molding ABS. Overall balance of physical properties.
Cycolac MG38 Very high impact ABS. Toughness/rigidity. Good fatigue resistance.
Cycolac MG38F Very high impact ABS. Toughness/rigidity. FDA compliant.
Cycolac MG38N Very high impact ABS. Toughness/rigidity. Good fatigue resistance. NSF Standard 61 compliant,
Cycolac MG47 Multi-purpose, injection molding ABS providing a favorable balance of engineering properties.
Cycolac MG47N Multi-purpose, injection molding ABS providing a favorable balance of engineering properties.
Cycolac MG94 Superior flow, injection molding ABS. Good impact. For thin-wall applications.
Cycolac MGABS01 Injection molding ABS. High impact, high gloss, good flow.
Cycolac BDT5510 Automotive. High heat resistance, low gloss, color concentratable for interior applications.
Cycolac X11 Automotive: High heat resistance. Excellent flow/impact balance. UL94 HB rated. High gloss.
Cycolac X15 Automotive. Very high heat resistance with high impact. UL94 HB rated. High gloss.
Cycolac X17 Automotive: Very high heat resistance with high strength and modulus. UL94 HB rated.
Cycolac X37 ABS, injection moulding, high heat grade.
Cycolac Z48 Automotive. Very high heat resistance with medium impact and good strength properties.
Cycolac FR25UHF ABS, Flame Retardant, Flame retardant, High Flow,
Cycolac EX39 Highest impact extrusion ABS for sheet and blow molding applications.
Cycolac EX39F Highest impact extrusion ABS for sheet and blow molding applications.
Cycolac EX58 High impact ABS for sheet extrusion and blow molding applications.
Cycolac FR15 Flame retardant ABS (non-PBBE additive). Good property/toughness.UL94 V-0/5VA rated.
Cycolac FR15U Flame retardant ABS. Excellent indoor UV properties.UL94 V-0/5VA rated.
Cycolac FR23 Flame retardant ABS (non-PBBE additives). Good properties/toughness.UL94 V-0 rated.
Cycolac FR30U Flame retardant ABS. Good indoor UV properties.V-1/V-0/5VB rated.
我公司长期经营SABIC Cycolac系列ABS,货源稳定,现货库存、质量保证,原厂原包,假一赔十。可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COC、PDF物性表等各项数据,欢迎来电洽谈!
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