美国ALCONOX Ledizolv铅专用清洁剂
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Ledizolv? Lead Specific Cleaner
Ledizolv? Lead Specific Cleaner is scientifically formulated for use in the clean-up and control of LCD hazards. Ledizolv contains a synergistic blend of chelating agents, wetting agents, emulsifiers and dispersants that are optimized to remove lead contaminated dust. Unlike TSP or other phosphate detergents, it is a mild pH, phosphate free and completely biodegradable. USDA authorized. Dilute 2:100. pH 5.4
Mild pH gives it excellent handling and safety characteristics.
Free rinsing with no risk of leaving phosphate film on surfaces.
Biodegradable and readily disposable into sinks and drains.
Used to clean: Walls, window components, vents, baseboards, floors, and any other surfaces or crevices.
Used to remove: Lead contaminated dust.
Surfaces cleaned: Glass, ceramic, plastic, tile, concrete, gypsum board, plaster, wood, vinyl, and metals.
Cleaning method: Wet mop or spray on application.
Make a fresh 2% solution (5 Tbsp. per gal., 2.5 oz. per gal. or 20 ml per liter) in warm water. Clean by wet mop or spray on application. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. Used on a wide range of glass, ceramic, plastic, tile, concrete, gypsum board, plaster, wood, vinyl, and metal surfaces.
Size Catalog Number
16 oz (0.47L) 90116
Case of 25x16oz (25x0.47L) 90216
1 Gallon (3.8L) 90101
Case of 4x1 Gallon (4x3.8L) 90104
5 Gallon Jerrycan (19L) 90501
15 Gallon Drum (57L) 91501
55 Gallon Drum (208L) 95501
Ledizolv?铅专用清洁剂是科学制定的,用于清理和控制液晶危险。Ledizolv 包含一种协同混合的溷合剂、润湿剂、乳化剂和分散剂,这些分离剂经优化后可去除铅污染的灰尘。与 TSP 或其他磷酸盐洗涤剂不同,它是一种轻度 pH 值、无磷酸盐且完全可生物降解。美国农业部授权。稀释 2:100。pH 5.4
轻度 pH 使其具有出色的操控性和安全性。
在温水中制作新鲜的 2% 溶液(每加仑 5 汤匙,每加仑 2.5 盎司或每升 20 毫升)。使用湿拖把清洁或喷洒。用干净的水彻底冲洗。用于各种玻璃、陶瓷、塑料、瓷砖、混凝土、石膏板、石膏、木材、乙烯基和金属表面。
容器尺寸 2% 解决方案的加尔 平方英尺清洁
16盎司瓶 6 1200
25x16 盎司的案例 150 32,000
1 加仑瓶 50 10,000
4x1 加仑的案例 200 40,000
5 加仑桶 250 50,000
15 加仑鼓 750 150,000
55 加仑鼓 2750 550,000
大小 目录编号
16 盎司 (0.47L) 90116
25x16oz (25x0.47L) 90216
1 加仑 (3.8L) 90101
4x1 加仑 (4x3.8L) 90104
5 加仑杰里坎 (19L) 90501
15 加仑鼓 (57L) 91501