同时供应巴斯夫UltramidTKR4355G5 TKR4355G7 TKR4355G10 TKR4357G6 TKR4365G5 TKR4350 TKR4351 TKR4370C6 TG3S TOP3000等规格型号。
同时供应巴斯夫Ultramid TKR4355G5 TKR4355G7 TKR4355G10 TKR4357G6 TKR4365G5 TKR4350 TKR4351 TKR4370C6 TG3S TOP3000等规格型号。
Ultramid T KR 4355 G5 is a 25% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA6/6T grade featuring high toughness, stiffness, and strength, low water absorption, and high melting point (295 C). After the material has been conditioned, its mechanical properties remain stable up to 65 C.
Ultramid T KR 4355 G7 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA6/6T grade featuring high toughness, stiffness, and strength, low water absorption, and high melting point (295°C). After the material has been conditioned, its mechanical properties remain stable up to 60C. This grade is available in black.
Ultramid T KR 4357 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, impact-modified, injection-molding PA6/6T grade. High toughness, stiffness and strength, low water absorption. High melting point (295 C). After the material has been conditioned, its mechanical properties remain stable up to 60 C.
Ultramid TG3S BK5966 is a 15% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, impact modified PA6 injection molding compound developed for applications requiring improved toughness in combination with a balance of strength, stiffness, excellent moldability and surface aesthetics.
Stanyl ForTii为最具挑战的应用提供具有革命性的解决方案
Stanyl ForTii是一种具有无卤素阻燃性的全新突破性耐高温聚酰胺,能够轻松应对电子、照明、汽车、家用电器、工业和航空航天工业等最具挑战的应用场合。
我们与领先的OEM(原始设备制造商)和第一级连接器和插槽制造商通力合作开发Stanyl ForTii。这种市场导向型开发可确保材料性能满足客户的应用要求。
作为Stanyl家族的一员,Stanyl ForTii是一种耐高温聚酰胺,延伸了具有独特性能平衡的高性能工程热塑性塑料产品系列。