东莞市禹泓是塑料有限公司,是一家专业从事塑胶原料贸易的五星诚信企业。我公司自2006年成立以来,一直秉承、客户至上、诚信为本、合作共赢、以最优质产品,及诚信服务、假一赔十的经营理念以及声誉。与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系,在塑胶原料销售行业中, 多年以来赢得了良好的口碑。并深受广大新老客户的信赖,我们的成长离不开您的支持,与您携手更是我们的骄傲。真诚感谢、新老客户多年对我们公司默默的支持以及信赖。在今后合作的岁月里,希望能够继续得到新老客户的关心和支持。新老客户的满意就是我们公司永恒的追求,我们将一如既往为新老客户提供,最优质的产品、最真诚的服务、诚信、来回报您们。我公司真诚祝愿,各位新老客户朋友们,身体健康、财源广进、家庭幸福、万事如意!热诚欢迎新老客户朋友们前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。
PA6、PA66、PA46、PA6T、PA9T、PA11、PA12、PA610、PA612、POM、PC、PC/ABS、PBT、PBT/PET、PET、TPE、TPEE、TPV、TPU、PPA、PPS、PPO、ASA、ABS、PMMA、LCP、COC、SBS、SPS、SEBS、PEI、PES、PSU、PEEK等全系列工程塑料。经营代理的制造商有:Dupont、Sabic、Bayer、Basf、DSM、EMS、Solvay、Rhodia、Lanxess、Exxon.Mobil、DOW、polyplastics、Ticona、Toray、Asahikasei、Teijin、Mitsubishi、Kuraray、Honeywell、UBE、Polyone、出光、LG、三星、奇美、台化、新光、长春、南亚、通用料、普通料、PVC等各类工程塑料,欢迎来电洽谈!(直线手机13537069891) (固定电话0769-82932965)
干燥处理: 如果加工前材料是密封的,那么就没有必要干燥.然而,如果储存容器被打开,那么建议在85℃的热空气中干燥处理.如果湿度大于0.2%,还要需要进行105℃,12小时的真空干燥. 模具湿度: 建议80℃.模具温度将影响结晶度,而结晶度将影响产品的物理特性.对于薄壁塑件,如果使用低于40℃的模具温度,则塑件的结晶度将随着时间而变化,为了保持塑件的几何稳定性,需要进行退火处理. 注射压力: 通常在750~1250bar,取决于材料和新产品设计. 注塑速度: 高速(对于增强型材料应稍低一些).流道和浇口:由于PA612r凝固时间很短,因此浇口的位置非常重要.浇口孔径不要小于0.5*t (这里t为塑件厚度).如果使用热流道,浇口尺寸应比使用常规流道小一些,因为热流道能够帮助阻止材料过早凝固.如果潜入式浇口,浇口的最小直径应当是0.75mm
PA612 Zytel同系列型号介绍
Zytel 151 NC010 A PA 612 resin
Zytel 151L NC010 Lubricated, general purpose molding grade
Zytel 153HSL NC010 Lubricated, heat stabilized, extrusion grade
Zytel 157HSL BK010 Lubricated, heat stabilized, improved weather resistant molding/extrusion grade
Zytel 158 NC010 General purpose PA 612 resin suitable for molding and extrusion applications
Zytel 158L NC010 Lubricated, general purpose molding/extrusion grade -- a higher melt viscosity than Zytel 159 NC010 High viscosity, extrusion grade
Zytel 77G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G33L BK031 33% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G43L BK031 43% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G43L NC010 43% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel MT409AHS BK010 Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness and improved knit line strength with superior toughness and processability
Zytel MT409AHS NC010 Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness, improved knit line strength, surface appearance with outstanding processability
Zytel ST800HSL BK152 Heat stablized Super Tough black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding impact resistance, high productivity and laser markability
Zytel ST801A NC010A Super Tough, high performance, polyamide 66 resin. It is partially UV stabilized and when appropriately colored offers limited protection to indirect sunlight exposure.
Zytel ST801AHS BK010 Super Tough, high performance, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel ST801AHS NC010 Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel ST801AW BK195 Super Tough, weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It offers the best resistance to outdoor exposure.
Zytel ST801AW NC010 Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It is UV stabilized and when appropriately colored, offers the best resistance to indirect sunlight in automotive interior applications.
Zytel ST811HS NC010 Rubber modified nylon 6 resin. Very flexible.
Zytel 8018HS BKB085 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilized black nylon 66 resin
Zytel 8018HS NC010 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilized nylon 66 resin
Zytel 80G14A NC010A 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel 80G14AHS BK099 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel 80G14AHS NC010 14% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, high flow, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding performance in injection molding applications.
Zytel 80G25HS BK117 25% Glass fiber reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin for injection molding
Zytel 80G33HS1L BK104 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont? Super Tough technology
Zytel 80G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont? Super Tough technology
Zytel 80G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont? Super Tough technology
Zytel 80G43HS1L BK104 43% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin with superior impact resistance
Zytel 84G33 BKB031 33% Glass reinforced toughened black cube blended nylon 66 and nylon 6 comelt resin
咨询电话: 13537069891
固定电话; 0769-82932965
公司传真; 0769-82932965
7、本公司所售原料均为原厂原包装正牌料,杜绝一切副牌料,不开封,无破损! 签订购销合同和质量保证,长期合作!