PBT抗化学性 VALOX EXVX0095 Resin FXV310SK Resin
SABIC Valox系列PBT简介
聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯,英文名polybutylene terephthalate(简称PBT),属于聚酯系列,是由1.4-pbt丁二醇(1.4-Butylene glycol)与对苯二甲酸(PTA)或者对苯二甲酸酯(DMT)聚缩合而成,并经由混炼程序制成的乳白色半透明到不透明、结晶型热塑性聚酯树脂。与PET一起统称为热塑性聚酯,或饱和聚酯。
熔化温度:225~275℃,建议温度:250℃ 。
流道和浇口:建议使用圆形流道以增加压力的传递(经验公式:流道直径=塑件厚度 1.5mm)。可以使用各种型式的浇口。也可以使用热流道,但要注意防止材料的渗漏和降解。浇口直径应该在0.8~1.0*t之间,这里 t是塑件厚度。如果是潜入式浇口,建议最小直径为0.75mm。
SABIC Valox系列PBT介绍
Valox 175 Unreinforced, neat PBT resin for compounding only. Natural Color Only.
Valox 175HP Unreinforced, neat FDA compliant PBT resin for compounding only.
Valox 176 Unreinforced, neat PBT resin for fibers. Natural Color Only.
Valox 176HP Unreinforced, FDA compliant neat PBT resin for fibers. Natural Color Only.
Valox 195 For compounding only (not for injection molding) Unreinforced PBT.
Valox 195HP For compounding only (not for injection molding) Unreinforced PBT.
Valox 215HPR Unreinforced PBT with mold release. FDA food contact compliant in limited colors.
Valox 295 Unreinforced PBT;Melt viscosity 900-1300 poise.
Valox 305 PBT, For compounding only. Not intended for Injection Molding.
Valox 308 PBT, For compounding only. Not intended for Injection Molding.
Valox 310 Unreinforced, general purpose. Typical viscosity 5000-7000.
Valox 310SE0 Unreinforced, flame retardant PBT. V0-0.7mm.
Valox 311 Unreinforced, improved resistance to UV. Medium viscosity.
Valox 312 Unreinforced, For compounding only (not for injection molding).
Valox 315 Unreinforced, For extrusion/compounding only (not for injection molding).
Valox 325 General purpose, unreinforced, improved processing.
Valox 337 Low temperature impact PBT.
Valox 357 PC/PBT, Impact Modifier, Flame Retardant
Valox 357U Unreinforced PBTP, UL94 V-0/5VA rated. Improved UV resistant version of VALOX 357.
Valox 364 Designed for outdoor telecommunications enclosure applications.
Valox 365 Unreinforced, opaque, provides chemical resistance and dimensional stability.
Valox 3706 Impact modified PBT PC. Outdoor enclosures. Not available in all colors.
Valox 4012G 10% glass fiber reinforced PBT with excellent mechanical properties.
Valox 420 30% GR, excellent strength, stiffness and dimensional stability. High heat resistance.
Valox 420HP 30% Glass filled PBT resin, FDA Food Contact compliant in limited colors.
Valox 420SE0 30% GR, UL94V-0/5V rated. Numerous applications.
Valox 420SE0U PBT, 30% Glass Reinforced, Flame Retardant UL94 V-0/5VA rated, UV-Stabilized
Valox 430 33 % glass reinforced, impact modified.
Valox 451E 20% GR. Easy flow version of VALOX 451.
Valox 4521 PBT, Glass Fiber, Flame Retardant, UL Grade
Valox 457 6.5% GR PBT, UL94 V-0/5V.
Valox 508 30% GR PBT PC. Excellent mechanical and thermal performance.
Valox 508R 30% GR PBT PC. Excellent mechanical and thermal performance.
Valox 553 30% GR PBT PC, UL94 V-0. Reduced warpage characteristics.Applications.
Valox 553U 30% GR PBT PC, UL94 V-0. Reduced warpage characteristics.Applications.
Valox 815 15% GR PBTPET, excellent surface finish.
Valox 815F PBT PET, 15% Glass, Mold Release, Heat Stabilized, For Foodcontact applications
Valox 830 30% GR PBTP, excellent surface finish.
Valox 830F PBT PET, 30% Glass, Mold Release, Heat Stabilized, For foodcontact applications
Valox 855 15% GR PBTP, UL94 V-0 rated. Improved surface appearance.
Valox 865 30% GR PBTP, UL94 V-0 rated. Non-blooming flame retardant.
Valox CS815 15% glass reinforced PBT PET. Improved heat aged color stability, high surface gloss.
Valox DR48 17% glass reinforced, flame retardant grade UL-94 rated V-0/5VA.
Valox DR51 15% GR polyester, excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical performance.
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