中文名(CN) | 英文名(EN) | CAS No. | 规格(SP) | 报价(CNY) | 产地(From) | 类别(Key) |
乙基汞标准溶液 | Ethylmercury Solution,75.3×10-6,溶剂:甲醇 | Null | 1.5ML | 1280.00 | Bellancom-BN7765 | 标准品 |
免费开具北京商业企业专用发票,签订正规销售合同,Bellcom正品保证,免费技术支持,免收境内运费。中文名称 | 乙基汞标准溶液 |
英文名称 | Ethylmercury Solution,75.3×10-6,溶剂:甲醇 |
CAS识别号 | Null |
MDL识别号 | Null,without related properties. |
EC识别号 | HPLC图谱、MS图谱、H-NMR图谱、C-NMR图谱等,订单生效后,部分产品可随附。 |
Beilstein | Null,without related properties. |
分子式 | Null,without related properties. |
分子量 | Null,without related properties. |
分子结构图 | |
产品性状 | 使用时请在通风橱中进行,打开后应立即使用,在较短的时间内完成取样操作,并请注意个人防护,避免直接与皮肤接触,校准仪器和装置;评价方法;工作标准;质量保证/质量控制 |
质量标准 | Bellancom Chemical Reference Standards Organic PCBs, PBDEs, Dioxins, Furans, PAHs, Pesticides, VOCs, Functional Groups, EPA Methods (500, 600, 1300, 1600, 8000 series), CLP, Regional Methods, Explosives, Plastic Additives, Food, Allergens, Dyes, PFOAs, Custom Formulation, and Custom Synthesis Inorganic ICP, ICP/MS, AA, Ion Chrom, Wet Chem, ICP Multi-Element (QC, SDWA, TCLP, MISA, CLP, EPA, Alternate Source, EU, ASTM), ICP/MS Multi-Element (Calibration, QC, EPA), OrganoMetallics Petrochemical Standards for 100 ASTM Methods – Real World Gasoline QC, Oxygenates, Aromatics, Physical Properties, PIANO, DHA , Diisocyanates, Biofuels, UOP, TPH & Fuels and Hydrocarbons, LUFT/LUST (UST) State Specific, Sulfur, Wear Metals Quality Control PT (Proficiency Testing) Self-Tests, Alternate Source Line, NotLots. |
储存条件 | 常温密封避光保存,Stored in cool, dry and airproof. |