By selecting specific monomers, one can achieve a crystallizable and permanently transparent polyamide: TROGAMID? CX. The crystallites are so small that they do not scatter visible light, and the material appears transparent to the human eye—a property known as microcrystallinity. Because of its crystallinity, the microcrystalline structure retains important properties such as stress cracking resistance — without clouding. The degree of crystallinity is so negligible, however, that it has no adverse effect on the shrinkage behavior of molded parts. TROGAMID? CX undergoes a similar isotropic shrinkage like amorphous materials.
The combination of good UV resistance, high mechanical strength, permanent transparency, high transmission and superior chemical resistance opens a wide range of applications for TROGAMID? CX. Typical areas of application are in the automotive industry, machinery and engineering, medical technology, the sports and recreation industry, the glasses production, the cosmetics industry and in water treatment and filter technology.
Low-viscous, permanently transparent polyamide for injection molding
基本信息 |
特性 |
- 尺寸稳定性良好
- 低粘度
- 高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)
- 抗撞击性,高
- 抗紫外线性能良好
- 可加工性,良好
- 良好耐磨损性
- 耐低温冲击
- 耐刮擦性
- 耐化学性良好
- 收缩性低
- 吸水低或不吸水
用途 |
- 工程应用
- 光学应用
- 过滤器
- 化妆品
- 汽车领域的应用
- 体育用品
外观 |
形式 |
加工方法 |
物理性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
密度(23°C) |
1.02 |
g/cm3 |
ISO 1183 |
粘数 |
120 |
cm3/g |
ISO 307 |
硬度 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
肖氏硬度(邵氏 D) |
81 |
ISO 868 |
球压硬度 |
110 |
MPa |
ISO 2039-1 |
机械性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
拉伸模量(23°C) |
1400 |
MPa |
ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应力(屈服, 23°C) |
60.0 |
MPa |
ISO 527-2/50 |
拉伸应变(屈服, 23°C) |
8.0 |
% |
ISO 527-2/50 |
标称拉伸断裂应变(23°C) |
50 |
% |
ISO 527-2/50 |
弯曲模量 |
1500 |
MPa |
ISO 178 |
弯曲应力1 |
ISO 178 |
3.5% 应变 |
50.0 |
MPa |
ISO 178 |
-- |
90.0 |
MPa |
ISO 178 |
Outer Fiber Strain - at maximum stress2 |
10 |
% |
ISO 178 |
冲击性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
简支梁缺口冲击强度 |
ISO 179/1eA |
-30°C, 完全断裂 |
10 |
kJ/m2 |
ISO 179/1eA |
0°C, 完全断裂 |
11 |
kJ/m2 |
ISO 179/1eA |
23°C, 完全断裂 |
11 |
kJ/m2 |
ISO 179/1eA |
简支梁无缺口冲击强度 |
ISO 179/1eU |
-30°C |
无断裂 |
ISO 179/1eU |
0°C |
无断裂 |
ISO 179/1eU |
23°C |
无断裂 |
ISO 179/1eU |
热性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
热变形温度 |
0.45 MPa, 未退火 |
120 |
°C |
ISO 75-2/B |
1.8 MPa, 未退火 |
102 |
°C |
ISO 75-2/A |
玻璃转化温度3 |
132 |
°C |
ISO 11357-2 |
维卡软化温度 |
-- |
132 |
°C |
ISO 306/A |
-- |
125 |
°C |
ISO 306/B |
线形热膨胀系数 |
ISO 11359-2 |
流动 : 23 到 55°C |
9.0E-5 |
cm/cm/°C |
ISO 11359-2 |
横向 : 23 到 55°C |
9.0E-5 |
cm/cm/°C |
ISO 11359-2 |
电气性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
表面电阻率 |
1.0E 14 |
ohms |
IEC 60093 |
体积电阻率 |
1.0E 15 |
ohms·cm |
IEC 60093 |
相对电容率 |
IEC 60250 |
23°C, 100 Hz |
3.40 |
IEC 60250 |
23°C, 1 MHz |
3.30 |
IEC 60250 |
耗散因数 |
IEC 60250 |
23°C, 100 Hz |
0.013 |
IEC 60250 |
23°C, 1 MHz |
0.022 |
IEC 60250 |
漏电起痕指数 |
IEC 60112 |
--4 |
575 |
V |
IEC 60112 |
解决方案 A |
600 |
V |
IEC 60112 |
可燃性 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
UL 阻燃等级 |
UL 94 |
0.800 mm |
HB |
UL 94 |
1.60 mm |
HB |
UL 94 |
灼热丝易燃指数(1.00 mm) |
960 |
°C |
IEC 60695-2-12 |
热灯丝点火温度(1.00 mm) |
825 |
°C |
IEC 60695-2-13 |
备注 |
1 . |
5.0 mm/min |
2 . |
5.0 mm/min |
3 . |
10 K/min |
4 . |
100 drops value |