YNXC系列 耐振电接点压力表
YNXC Series Aseismatic Electric Contact Pressure Gauge has noncomparable advantages compared to normal magneticelectric contact pressure gauge.With advanced design l reliable structure?good reliability and durableness.Also it’S easy for installation,and it needsless main tenance.So this kind ofgauge is widely used atplaces withfrequent vibration and pulse impulses.It cantotally take theplace ofthe same type importedproducts.
测量范围 Scale Range
型号 Model |
测量范围(MPai) ScaleRange |
YNXC-100 |
00.1 0.16 0.25 0.4 0.6 |
YNXC-100ZT |
1 1.6 2.5 4 6 |
YNXC-150 |
10 16 25 40 60 100 |
YNXC-150ZT |
-0.10 0.06 0.15 0.3 |
0.5 0.9 1.5 2.4 |
YNXC Series Aseismatic Electric Contact Pressure Gauge has noncomparable advantages compared to normal magneticelectric contact pressure gauge.With advanced design l reliable structure?good reliability and durableness.Also it’S easy for installation,and it needsless main tenance.So this kind ofgauge is widely used atplaces withfrequent vibration and pulse impulses.It cantotally take theplace ofthe same type importedproducts YNXC Series Aseismatic Electric Contact Pressure Gauge has noncomparable advantages compared to normal magneticelectric contact pressure gauge.With advanced design l reliable structure?good reliability and durableness.Also it’S easy for installation,and it needsless main tenance.So this kind ofgauge is widely used atplaces withfrequent vibration and pulse impulses.It cantotally take theplace ofthe same type importedproducts
富阳万兴仪表有限公司地处杭州市南郊富阳,紧临320国道和23省道,交通便捷,风景秀美,是全国仪器仪表生产基地之一。公司生产一般压力表、耐震压力表、不锈钢压力表、电接点压力表、隔膜压力表、微压膜片压力表及膜盒等数种产品,规格型号齐全,被广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、机械、食品等行业,产品受到广大客户好评。 公司坚持“诚信铸就信誉、专业打造品质”的经营理念,认为客户是产品质量的裁判。从人员、设备、管理方面着手,严抓各环节,从而保证产品质量在众多品牌中脱颖而出,赢得客户的信任。 万兴时刻把诚信服务放在首位,在提高产品质量的同时,提升自身服务维修能力。万兴固然要将每样产品推荐给广大客户,让客户无故障使用及生产,花费少的运行和维修成本,然而万兴更要为用户提供售前、售中、售后分门别类的、全方位的服务,让万兴的产品成为用户值得依赖的产品。公司力保所以产品保质一年。
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地址: 浙江省杭州市富阳区富春街道秋丰村孙家垄756号