① 造雪条件不受气候影响。(降雪机只能在外气温度-3℃以下,湿度60%以上使用)
② 造出来的雪很干燥。(比起一般的雪能长期保持)
③ 输送距离远。(能达到100M以上)
④ 投资费用低。(不需要储水设备)
⑤ 维护费用低。(利用循环水,不需要大量的水源)
过去的人工造雪机采用的是在-25℃的制冰板上形成的冰,用冰刀刮下来的方式,大小为5mm, 厚度为1~1.5mm的呈干爽疏松状态的片冰。与天然自然雪相比有很大的不同。1、造雪机造雪的环境条件对造雪作业影响非常大,只要环境的温度、湿度达到造雪条件,造雪机就可以开始造雪作业。造雪量越大,雪层深度越厚,气温回暖时滑雪场的雪量就越有保障。
1. As long as the temperature and humidity of the environment reach the snow making conditions, the snow maker can start the snow making operation. The greater the amount of snow, the thicker the snow layer, and the more guaranteed the amount of snow in the ski resort when the temperature is warmer.
2. In order to make the snow produced by the snow maker spray farther and cover more area, try to keep consistent with the wind direction. Be careful not to make snow against the wind. This may cause the snow maker's shield and wind blades to be blocked by ice and snow.
3. During snow making operation, workers must wear protective work clothes.
4. In case of serious icing, the snow maker shall stop operation in time to remove the ice.
5. The spraying angle and swing angle of the snow maker determine the distance of snow spraying and the size of coverage area.
6. The area with high skiing frequency in the ski resort needs to build a layer of wet snow first, and then cover the surface with a layer of dry snow.
金耀通过造雪机造出来的雪,因为干燥虽然能长期保持,但是有相互融合困难的弊端,导致职业滑雪者们旋转时容易摔倒。为了满足从初级到职业选手们的要求,ICEMAN经过3年多的研究结果,1998年成功的开发出了次时代型人工造雪机。造雪机能自由的造出10 mm~0.3mm大小不同的雪,利用0.3mm的雪可以铺成与自然雪很接近的雪道。