陶氏 FILMTEC 膜元件有不同的型号,每种型号针对不同的应用和使用的条件:
XLE 极低能耗 ( 压 ) 反渗透元件,主要用于商用或大型市政水处理。
LP 超低压反渗透元件,为新一代高脱盐率商用超低压反渗透膜元件。
TW30 胶带缠绕标准低压反渗透膜元件,主要用于进水为自来水的高脱盐率商用反渗透系统。
BW30 玻璃钢缠绕标准低压苦咸水反渗透膜元件,主要用于多支串联高脱盐率反渗透系统。
DOW FILMTEC TW30-4040 is an industry standard for reliable operation and production of high quality water. It features a 34 mil feed spacer to lessen the impact of fouling and may be cleaned over a wide pH range (pH 1-13) for the most effective cleaning.
Used In:
Commercial Water treatment systems
food service
medical and research institutions
hospitality industry
High flux results in high yields
High rejection provides good water quality
Filmtec performance and quality