美国首诺PA66 VYDYNE 21SPC1 产品说明:
Vydyne 21SPC1 is a general-purpose, improved-flow, lubricated PA66 resin available in natural color. 21SPC1 offers a balanced combination of properties characterized by high strength, rigidity, good toughness, a high melt point, abrasion resistance with good surface lubricity, and excellent resistance to many chemicals. Vydyne 21SPC1 resin has an external lubricant for improved machine feed and an internal lubricant for improved mold release.
Typical Applications/End Uses:
End uses for Vydyne 21SPC1 include terminal blocks, bearings, bushings, control cams, electrical connectors, housings, cable ties, fasteners, switch components and industrial parts that require chemical resistance, stiffness, wear resistance and rigidity.
物理性能 | 干燥 | 调节后的 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
密度 | 1.14 | -- | g/cm3 | ISO 1183 |
收缩率 | ISO 294-4 | |||
垂直流动方向 : 23°C, 2.00 mm | 1.7 | -- | % | ISO 294-4 |
流动方向 : 23°C, 2.00 mm | 1.8 | -- | % | ISO 294-4 |
吸水率 | ISO 62 | |||
23°C, 24 hr | 1.2 | -- | % | ISO 62 |
平衡, 23°C, 50% RH | 2.4 | -- | % | ISO 62 |
室外适用性 | f2 | -- | UL 746C |
机械性能 | 干燥 | 调节后的 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
拉伸模量 (23°C) | 3100 | 1400 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应力 | ISO 527-2 | |||
屈服, 23°C | 82.0 | 55.0 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
断裂, 23°C | 55.0 | 45.0 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应变 (屈服, 23°C) | 5.0 | 25 | % | ISO 527-2 |
标称拉伸断裂应变 (23°C) | 25 | > 50 | % | ISO 527-2 |
弯曲模量 (23°C) | 2900 | 1500 | MPa | ISO 178 |
弯曲强度 (23°C) | 80.0 | 50.0 | MPa | ISO 178 |
泊松比 | 0.40 | -- | ISO 527 |
美国首诺PA66 VYDYNE 21SPC1 可提供COA、COC,ROHS.MSDS.UL黄卡等等资料,价格最优,质量保证!
PA66塑胶原料为半透明或不透明乳白色结晶形聚合物,具有可塑性。密度1.15g/cm3。熔点252℃。脆化温度-30℃。热分解温度大于350℃。 连续耐热80-120℃,平衡吸水率2.5%。能耐酸、碱、大多数无机盐水溶液、卤代烷、烃类、酯类、酮类等腐蚀,但易容于苯酚、甲酸等极性溶剂。具有优良的耐磨性、自润滑性,机械强度较高。但吸水性较大,因而尺寸稳定性较差。PA66是P