Chemlon 塑胶原料 PA66 聚酰胺 S 133 GVH 新加坡聚合树脂有限公司 尼龙66
本公司所销售之塑胶原料均可提供原厂的物性表,UL MSDS SGS COC 欢迎来电咨询!
传真 0769-82058794
Q Q 1465961803
Infino PC HN-3203G 玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS HP-1000H 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS HP-1000P 高流动 手机 汽车仪表板用 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS HP-1000XA 汽车领域的应用 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS HP-1011 良好的流动性 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS HR-1008B 手机用途 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LB-1010W 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LB-3150GW 耐冲击 高抗撞击 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LF-1025 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LF-1030 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LH-1070W 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS LS-1150G 玻纤增强 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LS-3104G 耐冲击 高抗撞击 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LS-3302 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC LS-3302A 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NE-1010 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NE-1030 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NE-1050 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NF-3017 耐划伤 抗刮花 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NF-3017H 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1001T 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1015 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1015V 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1017D 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1021 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC NH-1023P 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1027HF 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC NH-1035 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1037 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1101 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS NH-1150HH 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC NH-3204G 玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC NH-3208GL 玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC NH-3402F 40%玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC/ABS QP-1010 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC SC-1100R 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC SC-1220R 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC SC-1220UR 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
Infino PC SI-3109GL 玻纤增强 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries