REIKU cable conduit solutions are used in many applications
such as aviation, traction, vehicle building, ship building, machine building, electrical installations, automation,
warehouse,robotics and general industry. The Reiku Cable Protection Systems render protection against dirt,
chemical and mechanical influences. Please see below some of the Reiku advantages:
REIKU RWTTB 聚酰胺12,适用于机器人配套,
REIKU polyamide 12, for robots,黑色
RWTTB-07G 07 10/07 10,0 6,3 15 40 2,5 100
RWTTB-10F 10 12/09 13,0 9,3 20 50 3,7 100
RWTTB-12F 12 16/11 15,7 11,6 25 65 4,5 50
RWTTB-17G 17 25/16 21,6 15,3 30 80 9,0 50
RWTTB-23G 23 32/21 28,4 21,4 40 100 14,2 50
RWTTB-29G 29 40/29 34,1 27,7 50 120 17,0 50
RWTTB-36F 36 50/36 42,6 35,6 55 170 25,5 30
RWTTB-36G 36 50/36 43,2 35,3 60 180 23,5 30
RWTTB-42M 42 50/42 50,0 41,0 60 190 30,0 30
RWTTB-48F 48 63/48 54,5 48,0 60 200 32,0 30
RWTTB-48G 48 63/48 55,0 46,5 70 200 32,0 30
RWTTB-52G 52 62,4 52,4 150 300 44,0 10/30
RWTTB-68G 68 79,2 66,2 170 350 58,0 10/30
RWTTB-70G 70 83,4 69,5 150 350 73,0 10/30
RWTTB-95G 90 106,4 89,0 180 410 101,0 10/30
NRTTB 聚酰胺12, polyamide 12, conductible, blacK
polyurethane, thermopl., strengthened version, black
RWTXB-48 F 48 63/48 54,5 47,0 100 250 35,0 30
RWTXB-52 G 52 62,2 52,0 150 300 47,0 10/30
RWTXB-70 G 70 82,6 68,6 170 400 91,0 10/30
DKQTTB,BIO polyamide 11, base of castor oil, black
DKQTTB-10F 10 12/09 20 50 100
DKQTTB-12F 12 16/11 15,7 11,9 25 65 3,5 50
DKQTTB-17F 17 25/16 21,2 16,5 30 80 5,5 50
DKQTTB-23F 23 32/21 28,5 22,6 35 90 9,2 50
DKQTTB-29F 29 40/29 34,3 28,0 45 120 13,4 50
DKQTTB-36G 36 50/36 42,2 35,5 60 180 16,0 30
DKQTTB-48G 48 63/48 54,5 46,5 70 200 23,6 30
DKQTTB-52G 52 63,0 52,0 125 300 36,5 10/30
DKQTTB-70G 70 82,5 70,0 150 350 51,0 10/30