Product Features
CP2000 Jet black, one-part, urethane coating for oxidation and wear protection to 400 °F.
CP2010 Aluminum, one-part, urethane coating for oxidation and wear protection to 400 °F.
CP2020 Gray, one-part, urethane coating for oxidation and wear protection to 400 °F.
CP2050-LF Epoxy-phenolic, high-build coating filled with long glass reinforcement fibers, 500 °F.
CP2050-FF Epoxy-phenolic, high-build coating filled with fine glass reinforcement fibers, 500 °F.
CP2050-NF Epoxy-phenolic, unfilled coating for aggressive acidic conditions, 500 °F.
CP2060 Epoxy-Novolac, high-build, silicon carbide filled coating for corrosion and wear protection, 500 °F.
CP2070 Epoxy-Novolac, low viscosity, gray-pigmented coating, 300 °F.
CP2075 Epoxy-Novolac, high-build, gray-pigmented coating, 400 °F.
特种涂料 特种密封剂 粘合剂 耐化学性 高温粘结剂 高温胶粘剂 高温粘结剂 高温无机粘合剂 耐高温胶粘剂 耐湿性 耐化学性 Ceramabind 氨基甲酸基涂料 洗涤器 环氧树脂涂料 管道 罐 耐磨 耐腐蚀 耐高温油漆 耐高温漆 袋式除尘器 旋风分离器 锅炉 隔热保温涂料 高温涂料 高温防护涂层 高温防护涂料 高温隔热材料