Product Features
512-N Viscous, off-white, electrical insulation paste for circuit breakers, power resistors and solenoids to 2400 oF (1316 oC).
538-N Low viscosity, light gray, electrical insulation coating for high power resistors and rheostats to 2400 oF (1316 oC). Black and green pigments also available.
529 Transparent silicone sealer with exceptional electrical and moisture resistance to 800 oF (427 oC). High viscosity (HV) and very high viscosity (VHV) versions available.
4030 Translucent-white, low-viscosity sealer for porous materials to 900 oF (482 oC).
CP4040 Low viscosity, white, electrical insulation coating for motor windings to 1100 oF (593 oC).
CP4050 Low viscosity, green, electrical insulation coating for power resistors to 1100 oF (593 oC).
SGC4000 Silicone-glass-ceramic, gray, low viscosity, scratch resistant coating 900 oF (482 oC).
SGC4000-HT Silicone-glass-ceramic, gray, low viscosity, scratch resistant coating 1400 oF (760 oC).
GC4000 Glass-enamel, gloss-black coating for stainless steel to 1000 oF (538 oC).
特种涂料 特种密封剂 粘合剂 耐化学性 高温粘结剂 高温胶粘剂 高温粘结剂 高温无机粘合剂 耐高温胶粘剂 耐湿性 耐化学性 Ceramabind 氨基甲酸基涂料 洗涤器 环氧树脂涂料 管道 罐 耐磨 耐腐蚀 耐高温油漆 耐高温漆 袋式除尘器 旋风分离器 锅炉 隔热保温涂料 高温涂料 高温防护涂层 高温防护涂料 高温隔热材料