品名Name |
规格 Specifications |
应用领域 Application Fields |
球形铌粉 Spherical niobium powder |
粒径Particle size:≥45μm |
主要用于超导材料,生产镍、铬和铁基高温合金等 Mainly used for superconducting materials, producing nickel, chromium and iron-base super high temperature alloys, etc. |
球形钽粉 Spherical tantalum powder
粒径Particle size:10μm |
工业上广泛用于化工、电子、军事、机械和航天航空等领域,制造电子原件、耐热材料、抗腐蚀设备、催化剂、模具、高级光学玻璃等;医学上还用作人体检入物、手术材料和造影剂。 Industry is widely used in chemical industry, electronic, military, mechanical, and aerospace and other fields, manufacturing electronic originals, heat resistant materials, corrosion resistant equipment, catalyst, mold, advanced optical glass, etc.; Also used as a medical on medicine into the material, surgical material and contrast agents.
球形镍粉 Spherical nickel powder |
粒径Particle size:0.1-30μm |
用于热喷涂材料,粉末冶金,焊材,电工、硬质合金等行业。 Used for thermal spray materials, powder metallurgy, welding, electrical, carbide and other industries. |
球形钒粉 Spherical vanadium powder
粒径Particle size:100-400μm |
用于快中子反应堆包套材料、制作超导材料和特种合金的添加剂。 Additives for fast neutron reactor sheath materials, superconducting materials and special alloys. |
球形铬粉 Spherical chromium powder
粒径Particle size:38-250μm |
主要用于铜铬触头材料、高档金属滤材、3D打印、真空镀膜靶材、太阳能光伏行业与平面显示行业、高温合金行业等领域。 Mainly used for copper and chrome contactor material, high-grade metal filter material, 3 d printing, vacuum coating material and graphic display, solar photovoltaic industry, high temperature alloy, etc. |
球形钼粉 Spherical molybdenum powder |
粒径Particle size:≥20μm |
主要应用在喷涂行业、钼精密器件的近净成形。Mainly used in coating industry, near net shape components of molybdenum precision device. |
球形钨粉Spherical tungsten powder |
粒径Particle size:0.1-30μm |
用作石油钻探用金刚石钻头(作胎体材料)及石油射孔弹原材料,燃烧室高温涂层及其它耐磨、耐高温部件涂层 Used as diamond drill bit (as a matrix material) for oil drilling and perforation bomb materials in petroleum industry, combustion chambers and other high-temperature coatings resistant, high temperature component coating. |
球形钨碳粉 Spherical tungsten carbon powder |
粒径Particle size:150-300μm |
用于生产硬质合金。used to make hard alloys. |
球形钴粉 Spherical cobalt powder |
粒径Particle size:50-300μm |
主要用焊接材料、喷涂材料以及一些特殊合金添加剂等。 Mainly used for welding materials, spray materials and some special alloy additives. |
球形铁粉 Spherical iron powder |
粒径Particle size:50-400μm |
广泛应用于粉末冶金、磁性材料、超硬材料、金属注塑成型,3D打印等。 Widely used in powder metallurgy, magnetic materials, super-hard materials, metal injection molding, 3D printing, etc. |
球形纯钛粉 Spherical pure titanium powder |
粒径Particle size:0-30、0-45、 0-53, 15-45、 45-105、 100-200, 100-350(µm)
主要应用于3D打印、粉末注射成形、热等静压、冷/热喷涂、航空航天、粉末冶金、医疗器械、新型功能材料、化工等行业。 Mainly used in 3D printing, powder injection molding, hot isostatic pressing, hot / cold spray, aerospace, metallurgy, medical devices, new functional materials, chemical and other industries. |
球形钛合金粉 Spherical Titanium alloy powder |