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TPU德国巴斯夫1190A 耐低温耐磨90度TPU高流动

¥ 1

  • ≥ 0 起订量
  • 025KG 总供应
  • 广东 东莞 所在地
TPV是Thermoplastic Vulcanizate的简称,中文名称为热塑性三元乙丙动态硫化弹性体或热塑性三元乙丙动态硫化橡胶,是高度硫化的三元乙丙橡胶EPDM微粒分散在连续聚丙烯PP相中组成的高分子弹性体材料。TPV常温下的物理性能和功能类似于热固性橡胶,在高温下表现为热塑性塑料的特性,可以快速经济和方便地加工成型。TPV热塑性三元乙丙动态硫化弹性体/橡胶将硫化橡胶材料通过动态硫化使三元乙丙橡胶EPDM以低于2微米尺寸的微粒分散在聚丙烯PP塑料基体中,把橡胶与塑料的特性很好的结合在一起,得到综合性能优异的高性能弹性体材料。    TPV热塑性三元乙丙动态硫化弹性体/橡胶的主要性能:    1、 TPV可在-60℃~135℃温度范围内使用,应用温度范围广泛;    2、 TPV硬度范围在25A~65D之间,可以满足广泛的硬度要求;    3、 TPV具有较好的耐候性,具有优异的抗老化、耐臭氧和耐紫外线性能;    4、 TPV使用时不需要硫化,可直接通过注射、挤出、压延、吹塑等方式加工成型,能缩短加工工艺流程,降低加工成本;    5、 TPV耐环境性能类似三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM),耐油耐溶剂性能与氯丁橡胶类似;    6、 TPV易于焊接、可重复使用、环保无毒。    TPV热塑性三元乙丙动态硫化弹性体/橡胶的主要特点:    1、 优异的抗老化性能和良好的耐候、耐热性能;    2、 优异的抗永久变形性能;    3、 优异的抗张强度、高韧性和高回弹性;    4、 优异的环保性能和可重复使用;    5、 优异的电绝缘性能;    6、 硬度范围广泛;    7、 使用温度范围广泛;    8、 颜色多样化,有全透明、半透明、浅色系列,着色容易,容易加工成型;    9、 可与PP、PA、PC、ABS、PS、PBT、PET等多种材料共注射或挤出成型。 DSM Sarlink系列TPV介绍 SARLINK3135N A low hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set and high temperature performance. SARLINK3139D is a high hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent resiliency, heat resistance and flex fatigue resistance. SARLINK3140 A low hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set and high temperature performance. SARLINK3145D is a high hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent resiliency, heat resistance and flex fatigue resistance. SARLINK3150 A low hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set and high temperature performance. SARLINK3160 is a medium hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer, featuring excellent compression set, heat resistance and weatherability. SARLINK3170 is a multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set, heat resistance and weatherability. SARLINK3180 is a multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent flex fatigue resistance, heat aging and resilience. SARLINK3190 is a multi-purpose, thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent flex fatigue resistance, heat aging and resilience. SARLINK4139D can be processed by injection molding, extrusion and blow molding to produce clamps, grommets, profiles, boots, bellows and ducts. SARLINK4145 is a low hardness grade possessing exceptional tensile strength, superior compression set, chemical resistance and high temperature performance. SARLINK4149D is a high hardness grade possessing exceptional tensile strength, superior compression set, chemical resistance and high temperature performance. SARLINK4155 is a low hardness grade possessing exceptional tensile strength, superior compression set, chemical resistance and high temperature performance. SARLINK4165 exhibits excellent compression set and flex fatigue, high and low temperature performance. SARLINK4175 exhibits excellent compression set and flex fatigue, high and low temperature performance. SARLINK4339D is a flame retardant, high hardness grade processing exceptional chemical resistance. SARLINKX6135 is an engineered material designed primarily for demanding consumer and automotive interior applications. SARLINKX6145 is an engineered material designed primarily for demanding consumer and automotive interior applications. SARLINKX6165 is an engineered material designed primarily for demanding consumer, building & construction. 我公司长期经营DSM Sarlink系列TPV,可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COA、PDF物性表等各项数据,多年诚信为本,货源稳定、现货库存、质量保证、原厂原包、假一赔十、欢迎来电洽谈! 以上是荷兰DSM Sarlink系列TPV的详细信息,由东莞市德胜工程塑料有限公司提供,如果您对荷兰DSM Sarlink系列TPV的信息有什么疑问,请与该公司进行进一步联系,获取荷兰DSM Sarlink系列TPV的更多信息。
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