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美国杜邦 POM 塑胶原料 FG100AL NC010

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Delrin? POM FG100AL NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 511DP BK402 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 511DP NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 520MP NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 525GR NC000 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 527UV BK701 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 527UV NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 527UVE NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 527UVE RD402 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 570 NC000 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 577 BK000 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 900P BK602 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 900P NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 911DP BK402 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM 911DP NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物

Delrin? POM FG100AL NC010 美国杜邦 DuPont Performance Polymers 聚甲醛(POM)均聚物


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Durepol? PBT A3 G10 NTLA010 BT309 MSP 10%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G10 PRTA011 BT313 MSP 黑色 10%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G10 PRTA011 BT319 10%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G15 BRC0001 BT322 MSP 白色 15%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G15 FR PRTA010 BT301 15%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G20 BRCA010 BT325 白色 20%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G20 NTLA010 BT308 20%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G20 PRTA011 BT321 MSP 黑色 20%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G30 CNZ0340 BT320 灰色 30%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G30 NTLA010 BT302 30%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G30 PRTA011 BT304 MSP 30%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G30 ST MRM0035 BT306 韧性良好 30%玻纤增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 G50 NTLA010 BT330 50%玻纤增强Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 HL NTLA010 BT314 高粘度 加润滑剂 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 HL PRTA011 BT315 黑色 高粘度 加润滑剂 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

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Durepol? PBT A3 TZ NTLA010 BT311 冲击改性 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

Durepol? PBT A3 V20 CNZ0350 BT331 灰色 加润滑剂 20%玻璃珠增强 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA

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