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批发 【TORAY ABS 100G30】防火GF30%,高流动

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直销☆TORAY ABS 100 G30☆ 阻燃玻纤增强30%


  ●  1. 极好的冲击强度、尺寸稳定性好,柔韧性好,耐磨性好;


● 2. 化学稳定性好:耐水、无机盐、碱和酸类,不溶于大部分醇类和烃类溶剂,而容易溶于醛、酮、酯和某些氯代烃中;抗化学药品性、染色性好;


  ●  3. 电性能良好;


  ●  4. 成型加工和机械加工好,与372有机玻璃的熔接性良好,制成双色塑件,且可表面镀铬,喷漆处理;流动性比HIPS差一点,比PMMA、PC等好;


  ●  5. 有高抗冲、高耐热、阻燃、增强、透明等级别。



ABS 应用场合

    汽车(仪表板,工具舱门,车轮盖,反光镜盒等),电冰箱, 大强度工具(头发烘干机,搅拌器,食品加工机,割草机等),电话机壳体,打字机键盘,娱乐用车辆如高尔夫球手推车以及喷气式雪撬车等。

ABS 注塑工艺

   ★  1. ABS成型收缩率约0.4-0.7%;


   ▲ 2. 无定形料,流动性中等,吸湿大,必须充分干燥,表面要求光泽的塑件须长时间预热干燥,条件80-90℃下3小时,材料湿度应保证小于0.1%;


   ★  3. 宜取高料温,建议温度245℃,高模温,但料温过高易分解(分解温度为>270℃),对精度较高的塑件,模温宜取50-60℃,对高光泽、耐热塑件,模温宜取60-80℃;


   ▲  4. 宜取中高速度注塑;


   ★   5. 如需解决夹水纹,需提高材料的流动性,采取高料温、高模温,或者改变入水位等方法;


   ▲  6. 如成形耐热级或阻燃级材料,生产3-7天后模具表面会残存塑料分解物,导致模具表面发亮,需对模具及时进行清理,同时模具表面需增加排气位置。

  友铭塑胶代理销售进口塑料,价格优惠,质量保证, --友铭塑胶优价批发,索取物性资料、报价表、UL报告、ROSH标准、SGS检测报告,COA出厂资料,MSDS材质证明 开增值税等可与我司业务邓小姐联系,15016876678,15322946330,qq:470919720



TRANSPARENT 900   352 Injection Middle Impact Strength
900   352A Injection Middle Impact Strength
920   555 Injection High Rigidity
910   X01 Injection Scratch Resistant
912   X01 Injection High Scratch Resistant
A20C   333 Injection SAN Standard
GENERAL PURPOSE ABS 100   322 Injection and Extrusion High Impact Strength
100   X01 Injection and Extrusion Super High Impact Strength
250   X10 Injection High Flow
500   322 Injection High Rigidity
532   X02 Injection Abrasion Resistant, High Sliding
700   314 Injection Medium Impact Strength
700   X01 Injection High Flow Medium Impact
700   SG5 Injection Medium Impact High Gloss
600   309 Extrusion Extrusion
600   X06 Extrusion Extrusion
600   X50 Extrusion Extrusion, Thermoforming, High Impact Strength
600   X52 Extrusion Extrusion, Profile Extrusion
GLASS FIBRE REINFORCED ABS (ABSG) 100G-10 Injection 10% Glass Fibre Reinforced ABS
100G-10T1 Injection 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS, High Flow
100G-20 Injection 20% Glass Fibre Reinforced ABS
100G-30 Injection 30% Glass Fibre Reinforced ABS
GLASS FIBRE REINFORCED AS (ASG) ASG-10 Injection 10% Glass Fibre Reinforced AS
ASG-20 Injection 20% Glass Fibre Reinforced AS
ASG-30 Injection 30% Glass Fibre Reinforced AS
HIGH HEAT ABS 420Y   MH1 Injection High Heat (DTL 88°C)
430Y   MH1 Injection High Heat (DTL 90°C)
440Y   MH1 Injection High Heat (DTL 92°C)
440Y   MH5 Injection High Heat High Flow (DTL 92°C)
450Y MH1 Injection Medium High Heat (DTL 98°C)
450Y   MH5 Injection Medium High Heat High Flow (DTL 98°C)
450Y   X10 Injection Medium High Heat (DTL 95°C)
460Y   MH1 Injection Medium High Heat (DTL 100°C)
470Y   MH1 Injection Super High Heat (DTL 104°C)
450G-10R Injection 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS (DTL 114°C)
450G-20R Injection 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS (DTL 118°C)
450G-20S Injection 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS, Super High Heat (DTL 128°C)
450G-30R Injection 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS (DTL 121°C)
450Y   BM1 Injection High Heat Blow Molding (DTL 101°C)
FLAME RETARDANT ABS 884   X01 Injection 0.75mm V-2, 1.5mm V-0, 2.5mm 5VA
824V   X01 Injection 0.75mm V-2, Light Resistant
834V   X01 Injection 2.0mm V-0,3.0 mm 5VA, Light Resistant
834V   X06 Injection 2.0mm V-0, 3.0mm 5VA, Light Resistant
844V   X05 Injection 1.5mm V-0, 2.5 mm 5VA, 2.0mm 5VB, Light Resistant
855VG-20 Injection 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS, 1.5mm V-0, 2.5mm 5VA
NON HALOGEN RESISTANT ABS NH82C   X01 Injection 0.75mm V-2, 3.0mm V-2
CHEMICAL RESISTANT ABS AX05   X03 Injection Standard
AX05   X08 Injection High Flow
AX05   X32 Injection High Rigidity
AX84   X01 Injection Flame Retardant, 1.5mm V-0
PAINTING ABS 100   MPM Injection Medium Impact Strength
100   MPF Injection High Impact Strength
100   MPJ Injection High Flow
100   MPK Injection High Flow
440Y   X50 Injection High Heat Painting (DTL 90°C)
450Y   X50 Injection High Heat Painting (DTL 93°C)
PLATING ABS 315   X01 Injection High Flow
325 Injection Standard
335   MPL Injection High Flow, High Impact
ALLOY ABS VX10G20 Injection Glass Fiber Reinforced ABS//PBT Resin
RFX10   X01 Injection ABS//r-PET Alloy
RJX2G-20 Injection 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced AS//r-PET
RJX2G-30 Injection 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced AS//r-PET
PX10   X06 Injection PC//ABS Alloy, High Impact Strength
PX10   X07 Injection PC//ABS Alloy, Super High Impact Strength
RNX82 Injection r-PC//ABS alloy, 0.75mm V-2, 3.0mm V-2
RNX84 Injection r-PC//ABS alloy, 1.5mm V-0
GREEN NATURAL RUBBER ABS 100N   X01 Injection Middle Impact Strength
100N   X02 Injection Super High Impact Strength
100N   322 Injection High Impact Strength
700N   X02 Injection High Flow
335N   X01 Injection Plating
100N   MPJ Injection Painting

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