艾博(国际)塑胶进出口有限公司现货供应 ExxonMobil Escorene LD-117 MDPE,原产原包,可随货提供原材料物性,COA,SGS.MSDS.UL黄卡等相关详细资料,欢迎来人来电咨讯
ExxonMobil Escorene LD-117 MDPE
A homopolymer film resin with good clarity and excellent stiffness. Film made from LD-117 can be used in overwrap applications and in push-through type packaging equipment. Film produced from LD-117 can be drawn down to 1.0 mil gauge.
Applications: Bakery product overwrap; Soft goods (paper products) overwrap; Film is particularly suitable for applications requiring stiffness, crispness, machinability and abrasion resistance. Data for film properties below based on 1.5 mil film..
应用:面包产品外包装;软商品(纸制品)包装;薄膜是特别适合于应用程序需要的刚度,脆,切削性和耐磨性。膜的性能,在基于1.5 mil电影资料
现货供应全系列产品可随货提供原材料物性,原材料产地证明SGS.MSDS.UL黄卡等相关详细资料,可开具17%增值税发票.公司秉着“以诚为本,以信为用”的经营理念。与客户是建立在互惠、互利、互信的基础上长期合作。共创双赢局面,愿与各界人士真诚合作,共同发展,携手共创辉煌的明天。 |